Through employee volunteering your team, employees and support can make a massive difference to communities where most needed, practical work takes place on sites ranging from the most beautiful locations in the capital, to those that are most deprived. Employer Supported Volunteering connects your team with the community you work in and provides a unique opportunity to build team dynamics and staff morale.
Putting your organisation into the heart of communities
For over 15 years, organisations and their employees have been working with TCV successfully to transform local communities and green spaces.
Help to transform one of our 1,500 community projects across the UK
Join over 7,000 corporate volunteers supporting our environmental goals
Of all our corporate volunteers, 98% would recommend TCV to a colleague.
Learn new skills, connect with local communities and have fun!
Corporate volunteering days give your employees the chance to carry out practical and guided conservation work – improving green spaces for local communities to enjoy.
These bespoke and exciting team building programmes not only build team dynamics and staff morale; they also help your teams learn new skills, connect with local communities and have fun outside of the usual work environment.
Bespoke programme partnerships
TCV and our partners are delivering incredible, award winning creative programmes which make a tangible difference to communities, to people’s health, for the environment and for nature.
Some examples of our bespoke delivery:
I Dig Trees – Our national tree planting programme with OVO Energy. Since 2015 we have helped to distribute and plant over 1 million new native trees across the UK.
Health for Life – Our 5-year Midlands based community food growing project with Mondelez.
Greener London – Now in its 3rd year, TCV have supported the London GLA to deliver their annual tree planting programme.
Discover how to help:
Douglas Palarm – Head of Partnerships and Fundraising
T 01302 388842 / 07740 899587
Email corporate-enquiries@tcv.org.uk